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Restaurant Lindenstübchen

Lindenplatz 14, 15344 Strausberg

Our restaurant is known for the home-style cooking in a cozy atmosphere. Here you will be served in a friendly manner and can feel at home. Enjoy German cuisine - or discover new dishes. * Collection service and free delivery service: Strausberg, Eggersdorf, Rehfelde, Klosterdorf, Gielsdorf * Order and delivery times: daily from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. We look forward to seeing you!


** Öffnungszeiten können aufgrund von Covid-19 abweichen.

Travel tips on the go?

Simply scan code with your smartphone or paste the link into your web browser: https://bb.reisen/fcnLf
9.2 °C Currently on location

More Gastronomy mehr

75 m
Bäckerei Klein, patisserie and café
203 m
"Zur Fähre" beer garden and restaurant
221 m
Café Altstadt 58
260 m
Caliente- ice cream parlour and cocktail bar
390 m
Freilich am See Strausberg
399 m
Pension "Zur alten Stadtmauer"
863 m
Restaurant Athos- Greek specialities
1,34 km
Griechisches Restaurant Kreta
1,96 km
Volkshaus Strausberg north, bar and event location
2,07 km
Restaurant Royal at The Lakeside Burghotel zu Strausberg

POIs nearby mehr

167 m
266 m
St. Marien Strausberg (church)
312 m
StrausseeFähre ferry
600 m
Straussee, Bathing Area in Kulturpark
600 m
Kulturpark am Straussee, public park
602 m
1A-Tauchcenter UG am Straussee Diving centre
673 m
Straussee (swimming lake)
732 m
Bathing Area Straussee (on the Opposite Shore)
788 m
Stadtmuseum Strausberg
979 m
Rinast Angelparadies, fish shop

Hotels nearby mehr

136 m
Pension zur Altstadt
448 m
Freilich am See – guest rooms
1,90 km
Vacation home Haus Martha
2,00 km
The Lakeside Hotel - Burghotel zu Strausberg
2,15 km
Holiday house Emma
2,26 km
Gasthof Strausberg Nord
4,21 km
Hotel Villago
4,22 km
Hotel "Seeschloss"
4,25 km
Guest Rooms at Reindahls Manor house
5,11 km
Wohnmobilstellplatz im Sport- und Erholungspark Strausberg

Gastros nearby mehr

75 m
Bäckerei Klein, patisserie and café
203 m
"Zur Fähre" beer garden and restaurant
221 m
Café Altstadt 58
260 m
Caliente- ice cream parlour and cocktail bar
390 m
Freilich am See Strausberg
399 m
Pension "Zur alten Stadtmauer"
863 m
Restaurant Athos- Greek specialities
1,34 km
Griechisches Restaurant Kreta
1,96 km
Volkshaus Strausberg north, bar and event location
2,07 km
Restaurant Royal at The Lakeside Burghotel zu Strausberg

Events nearby mehr

203 m
Jazz Brunch mit "The Swingin Hermlins"
203 m
Berlin janz pö a pö: von j.w.d. bis an de Spree Komödien-Dinner
203 m
Jahresausstellung des Fotoklubs Strausberg
203 m
Das Original - Krimidinner
203 m
Kabarett "Die Kaktusblüte"
203 m
Jahresausstellung des Fotoklubs Strausberg
203 m
Kräuterwanderung Frühlingskräuter
203 m
Familienkräuterwanderung – Wir kochen eine Gründonnerstagssuppe
203 m
Kräuterwanderung Osterspaziergang
203 m
Workshop Kochen mit Wildkräutern
All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the correctness of the data. We recommend that you enquire about the current status by telephone / e-mail or via the provider's website before your visit.

Source: Reiseland Brandenburg

Last changed on 06.04.2022

ID: DAMASGastro_14431