Gasthaus Wagner restaurant

Hauptstr. 67, 15328 Golzow

The Wagner family extends a warm welcome. Their restaurant is located in the Oderbruch region, close to the Oder-Neiße Cycle Path. Here you can enjoy outstanding traditional regional fare. Enjoy your meal in the tranquil Oderbruch region or relax in the charming and scenic surroundings. 


** Öffnungszeiten können aufgrund von Covid-19 abweichen.

Travel tips on the go?

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7.6 °C Currently on location

More Gastronomy mehr

446 m
"Eis Alex" restaurant & café
4,81 km
Café im Schul-und Bethaus Altlangsow
8,01 km
Restaurant "Wagenrad"
8,38 km
Snack bar at Fischereihof Schneider
8,85 km
Irina´s Cafe Seelow
8,86 km
"Der Adler" inn and guest house
8,87 km
Naturkost Nußschale natural food & coffee shop
9,98 km
Wirtshaus im Kunstspeicher by the B168, restaurant
10,55 km
Restaurant "Am Reitweiner Sporn"
10,90 km
Café "Himmel & Erde"

POIs nearby mehr

583 m
The children of Golzow - Discovery Tour
587 m
‘The Children of Golzow’ film museum
2,57 km
Village Museum Friedrichsaue
3,77 km
Freibad Zechin open air swimming pool
4,35 km
Verein Fort Gorgast e.V. (historic premisis)
4,37 km
Schmuckwerkstatt Heidrun Schäfer (jewellery)
4,39 km
Little shop at Fort Gorgast
4,80 km
Schul- und Bethaus Altlangsow cultural venue
4,80 km
Sculptor Sylvia Hagen
4,86 km
Oderbruch Hof (goats, geese and bees)

Hotels nearby mehr

61 m
Gasthaus & Pension Wagner
3,85 km
Oderbruchcamp Zechin
3,95 km
Jeamai’s Pension guesthouse
4,14 km
Campsite “Heidehof”
4,49 km
Holiday home Hanke
4,81 km
holiday apartment Schul- und Bethaus Altlangsow
4,97 km
Haus Wendland in the Oderbruch Region
5,03 km
Ferienhaus "OeReHof"
7,08 km
Ferienhaus am Gutspark
8,32 km
Fischereihof Schneider "An der Festung Küstrin" holiday rooms not only for anglers

Gastros nearby mehr

446 m
"Eis Alex" restaurant & café
4,81 km
Café im Schul-und Bethaus Altlangsow
8,01 km
Restaurant "Wagenrad"
8,38 km
Snack bar at Fischereihof Schneider
8,85 km
Irina´s Cafe Seelow
8,86 km
"Der Adler" inn and guest house
8,87 km
Naturkost Nußschale natural food & coffee shop
9,98 km
Wirtshaus im Kunstspeicher by the B168, restaurant
10,55 km
Restaurant "Am Reitweiner Sporn"
10,90 km
Café "Himmel & Erde"
All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the correctness of the data. We recommend that you enquire about the current status by telephone / e-mail or via the provider's website before your visit.

Source: Reiseland Brandenburg

Last changed on 23.03.2023

ID: DAMASGastro_145461