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Klosterschänke Altfriedland (Altfriedland monastery tavern)

Fischerstraße 34a, 15320 Altfriedland

The Klosterschänke in Altfriedland is picturesquely situated directly on the Klostersee lake and offers modern country house cuisine with Mediterranean influences. Fresh, seasonal dishes made from regional ingredients such as game, ox meadow beef and fish characterize the menu. The offer is complemented by a selection of fine German wines, homemade cakes, as well as coffee and ice cream specialties.

The cozy sun terrace with a view of the lake invites you to linger, as do the lounge corners on the lawn or the deckchairs on the shore. An extended self-service concept has been implemented since this season: Guests choose their seat, order food and drinks directly at the counter, and the dishes are then served to their table. This concept allows for a relaxed atmosphere and stable prices - ideal for an enjoyable stay by the lake.

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Other opening hours:

Currently closed! The new season starts in spring 2025. More information on the website.

** Öffnungszeiten können aufgrund von Covid-19 abweichen.

Travel tips on the go?

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6.4 °C Currently on location

More Gastronomy mehr

3,94 km
Brennerei - the country restaurant at Hotel Schloss Neuhardenberg
6,59 km
"Zum Schweizer" restaurant
6,61 km
8,30 km
"Pritzhagener Mühle" fish restaurant and café
9,06 km
Waldcafé Drei Eichen
9,18 km
Café with organic food shop at Ihlow organic farm
9,39 km
"Zum Alten Fritz" restaurant
9,74 km
Restaurant & bar at Reichenow castle
10,07 km
guest house zur Ostbahn
10,35 km
Restaurant "So oder So" (Landheim Wilhelmsaue)

POIs nearby mehr

117 m
Zisterzienserinnenkloster Altfriedland (preserved in parts)
119 m
Bathing Area at Klostersee
165 m
Local History Parlour ‘LANGES HAUS’
287 m
Malerei Barbara Störmer - painter
779 m
Fischerei Altfriedland (fishery)
1,08 km
Altfriedlander Teiche bird-watching station
1,42 km
Bathing area at Lake Lettin
2,90 km
Straußenhof Weideblick, ostrich farm and shop
2,91 km
Natural Bathing Areas at Dolgensee
3,38 km
Flugplatzmuseum Neuhardenberg, airfield museum

Hotels nearby mehr

354 m
Holiday Apartment Kain
3,63 km
Holiday home "Wanderreitstation Neuhardenberg"
4,10 km
Hotel Schloss Neuhardenberg
4,19 km
Holiday apartments at the canoe station "Zur Alten Oder"
6,49 km
Clauds Kunsthof
8,24 km
Ferienhaus und Ferienwohnung Gutmann
8,82 km
Ferienhaus Herzhorn
8,99 km
Drei Eichen
9,18 km
Holiday apartments at Biohof Ihlow
9,18 km
Ferienwohnung Ihlow

Gastros nearby mehr

3,94 km
Brennerei - the country restaurant at Hotel Schloss Neuhardenberg
6,59 km
"Zum Schweizer" restaurant
6,61 km
8,30 km
"Pritzhagener Mühle" fish restaurant and café
9,06 km
Waldcafé Drei Eichen
9,18 km
Café with organic food shop at Ihlow organic farm
9,39 km
"Zum Alten Fritz" restaurant
9,74 km
Restaurant & bar at Reichenow castle
10,07 km
guest house zur Ostbahn
10,35 km
Restaurant "So oder So" (Landheim Wilhelmsaue)

Events nearby mehr

82 m
Jochen Kowalski in der Klosterkirche Atlfriedland
9,04 km
Vogelkundliche Wanderung durch die Märkische Schweiz
10,41 km
Der Bildhauer und sein Fotograf
10,41 km
Von Liebe und Leid, Sehnsucht und Begehren
10,41 km
Die Kunst der Liebe (1. Teil)
10,45 km
Botanische Führung durch den Trebnitzer Schlosspark
10,45 km
Kräuter- und Heilkundiges (Frühlingskurs)
10,45 km
Gesund bleiben – Ein Abend rund um das Thema Zucker
10,45 km
Linoldruck – Kreativwerkstatt für Erwachsene
10,45 km
Linoldruck – Kreativwerkstatt für Erwachsene
All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the correctness of the data. We recommend that you enquire about the current status by telephone / e-mail or via the provider's website before your visit.

Source: Reiseland Brandenburg

Last changed on 14.01.2025

ID: DAMASGastro_152383