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Monastery Café Zehdenick

Im Kloster 2, 16792 Zehdenick

The monastery café is located in the north wing of the Zehdenick monastery. In addition to a range of delicious coffee and cakes, there is a small monastery shop. The conventual interior hall, which houses the café, has an impressive vaulted ceiling and when the weather is nice, the monastery garden invites you to linger.

From the café you can get to the exhibition "The sky at a glance".


Ein Produkt der hubermedia GmbH
Kartenauschnitt ändern mit zwei Fingern
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** Öffnungszeiten können aufgrund von Covid-19 abweichen.

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13.6 °C Currently on location

More Gastronomy mehr

478 m
Italian Ice Cream Parlour
535 m
Marleen´s Bar
559 m
Stadtgarten Zehdenick Restaurant, Event Venue and Bowling Alley
703 m
”Da Vinci“ – Italian Restaurant and Ice Cream Parlour
760 m
Burger Factory im Bowling-Center Zehdenick
853 m
Restaurant in Havelschloss Zehdenick Castle
1,49 km
Zehdenick Water Tower
2,27 km
Akropolis Zehdenick
6,43 km
Gasthaus Alter Hafen am Ziegeleipark
6,89 km
Schweizer Kaminstübli Restaurant

POIs nearby mehr

15 m
Klosterscheune Zehdenick Monastery Barn
18 m
Monastery Museum Zehdenick
32 m
Monastery Garden Zehdenick
32 m
Kloster Zehdenick Cistercian Monastery
345 m
Stadtkirche Zehdenick Parish Church
383 m
Ziegelhof. Wine Cellar and Herbery
2,58 km
Waldbad e.V. Zehdenick Forest Bathing Area
4,21 km
Atelier Lomas / Galerie im Kornfeld
4,82 km
Mildenberg Village Church
5,17 km
Mayadi Diving – Diving School

Hotels nearby mehr

423 m
“Neues Vaterland” Guest House
470 m
Villa Veda
535 m
Zimmervermietung in Marleen´s Bar
666 m
Altes Fischerhaus Zehdenick
756 m
Herberge “Am Dock” Hostel
828 m
Fewo an der Havel
842 m
Havelschloss Zehdenick
912 m
“Klienitzblick” Holiday Home
1,97 km
"Kleine Havelfinca" Holiday Home
2,31 km
slube at the Marina Zehdenick

Gastros nearby mehr

478 m
Italian Ice Cream Parlour
535 m
Marleen´s Bar
559 m
Stadtgarten Zehdenick Restaurant, Event Venue and Bowling Alley
703 m
”Da Vinci“ – Italian Restaurant and Ice Cream Parlour
760 m
Burger Factory im Bowling-Center Zehdenick
853 m
Restaurant in Havelschloss Zehdenick Castle
1,49 km
Zehdenick Water Tower
2,27 km
Akropolis Zehdenick
6,43 km
Gasthaus Alter Hafen am Ziegeleipark
6,89 km
Schweizer Kaminstübli Restaurant

Events nearby mehr

34 m
25-Jahre Party
34 m
Ausstellung: Zehdenick in der Fotografie
38 m
Tea-Dance: Schellack Platten mit Stephan Wuthe
39 m
39 m
Barock-Quintett spielt Vivaldi
39 m
Kabarett: Lothar Bölck
39 m
Vernissage: Ashkelon - Zehdenick
39 m
Kult! Stumpen mit Kind und Kegel
39 m
Queen of Latin Blues: Vanesa Harbek
39 m
Bibel, Blues und Bier
All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the correctness of the data. We recommend that you enquire about the current status by telephone / e-mail or via the provider's website before your visit.

Source: Reiseland Brandenburg

Last changed on 28.11.2023

ID: DAMASGastro_203039