"Pritzhagener Mühle" fish restaurant and café

Lindenstraße 74, 15377 Bollersdorf

The little restaurant is in a remote and idyllic setting in the middle of the countryside by the little Stöbber river. The restaurant's owner and landlord, known for his raw charm, serves homemade fish dishes and homemade cake.
The dining area of this Swedish country house-style building has a 1920s and 30s atmosphere. In sunny weather, the spacious garden is a great place to relax. In addition to normal toilets, the restaurant also has an old-fashioned outdoor toilet.


"Pritzhagener Mühle" fish restaurant and café

Lindenstraße 74, 15377 Bollersdorf
Restaurant/beer garden

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Source: Reiseland Brandenburg

Last changed on 12.06.2021

ID: DAMASGastro_49549