Gut Klostermühle

Mühlenstraße 11, 15518 Alt Madlitz
Hotel, Bed & Breakfasts etc.

Our mantra: arrive and breathe in deeply. Even the journey to the idyllically situated nature resort and medical spa Gut Klostermühle in Brandenburg helps you to slow down. Check in by Lake Madllitzer and then stay in one of our individually designed rooms, suites, holiday apartments or holiday homes. Of course, parking is free of charge. Our 66 rooms and suites are grouped around the lake - some close, others directly on the shoreline. Their exceptional architecture, a link between historical and modern, sets them apart. The facilities in our rooms and suites also differ. All rooms are completely individual. Our Gut Klostermühle natur resort & medical spa, in the former monastery mill, provides spaciously laid out holiday apartments and houses for anyone who seeking to savour the peace and quiet around Lake Madlitzer even more intensively, whether alone, in a couple of with friends. Depending on the size, they accommodate between two and eight people. Our holiday accommodation has very comfortable and high-quality facilities, providing for self-catering.

Accommodation provider with ADFC classification "Bed & Bike"

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16 Assessment
All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the correctness of the data. We recommend that you enquire about the current status by telephone / e-mail or via the provider's website before your visit.

Source: Reiseland Brandenburg

Last changed on 06.08.2024

ID: DAMASHotel_12646