LandAroma Apartments, Cookery and Barbecue School

Motzener Straße 66, 15741 Bestensee
Hotel, Bed & Breakfasts etc.

Enjoy a holiday with a twist in the LandAroma. You can stay in the boutique hotel, experience an enjoyable cookery, grilling & BBQ workshop in the in-house cookery school or arrange an open-air wedding under blue skies in the countryside. The hotel has 4 double rooms sized 17 to 22 square metres, 1 single room (13 square metres) plus a comfortable apartment (46 square metres floor area) sleeping 5 people.
The spacious, attractively designed kitchen is ideal for cooking courses up to 12 people and live cookery shows for up to 30 or so people.
As an event venue, the LandAroma offers special, often surprising, event concepts. Celebrations and events for every occasion for customers, business partners, friends or family turn the day into an unforgettably beautiful experience in a real party atmosphere.



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Source: Reiseland Brandenburg

Last changed on 02.07.2024

ID: DAMASHotel_148297