Familie Schwarz

Berliner Straße 50, 15377 Buckow (Märkische Schweiz)
Holiday rental flats etc.

Experience a holiday for the whole family or as a couple in one of the Schwarz family's holiday apartments or in a holiday home in their garden. Make the most of all the opportunities to unwind, relax and enjoy life in the Märkische Schweiz Nature Park. A warm welcome awaits you from the Schwarz family.


Holiday apartment/holiday home

Travel tips on the go?

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3.7 From 5,0
10 Assessment
All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the correctness of the data. We recommend that you enquire about the current status by telephone / e-mail or via the provider's website before your visit.

Source: Reiseland Brandenburg

Last changed on 24.01.2022

ID: DAMASHotel_46077