Herberge “Am Dock” Hostel

Schmelzstraße 9, 16792 Zehdenick
Hotel, Bed & Breakfasts etc.

The Herberge “Am Dock” hostel is located in the historic “Watt- und Akkumulatorenwerke” (battery and accumulator factory) that was established in 1887. Modern rooms with a total of 35 beds have been created behind the old walls of the former factory. There are single and twin rooms as well as shared rooms with up to five beds. All rooms have a shower, toilet and television.
The town centre, River Havel, Berlin-Copenhagen Cycle Route and the Havel Cycle Path are just a few steps away. Guests can enjoy themselves in the bowling alley, have a delicious meal and party in the hall within the building complex based on the motto “Everything under one roof”.

Accommodation provider with ADFC classification "Bed & Bike"

Travel tips on the go?

Simply scan code with your smartphone or paste the link into your web browser: https://bb.reisen/Mr_mf
9.0 °C Currently on location

More Hotel, Bed & Breakfasts etc. mehr

113 m
Havelschloss Zehdenick
286 m
Villa Veda
435 m
“Neues Vaterland” Guest House
1,28 km
Zimmervermietung in Marleen´s Bar
4,54 km
Guest House Wolf’s Revier
5,64 km
Alter Hafen - Restaurant and Guest House at the Brickworks Park
7,65 km
Restaurant and Guest House “Zur Fähre”
9,34 km
Mühle Tornow Mill
11,20 km
Schloss & Gut Liebenberg
14,17 km
Storchenhof Blumenow

Holiday rental flats etc. nearby mehr

134 m
Fewo an der Havel
233 m
“Klienitzblick” Holiday Home
357 m
Altes Fischerhaus Zehdenick
1,44 km
"Kleine Havelfinca" Holiday Home
1,61 km
slube at the Marina Zehdenick
3,84 km
Holiday Apartments at Thomashof Klein-Mutz
3,98 km
Wünsche Holiday Apartment and Room Rental
3,99 km
Stresemann Holiday Room Rental
4,01 km
Lindenhof Guest House
4,22 km
Holiday Apartments Haus am See

POIs nearby mehr

601 m
Stadtkirche Zehdenick Parish Church
642 m
Ziegelhof. Wine Cellar and Herbery
728 m
Monastery Garden Zehdenick
728 m
Kloster Zehdenick Cistercian Monastery
742 m
Klosterscheune Zehdenick Monastery Barn
760 m
Monastery Museum Zehdenick
1,94 km
Waldbad e.V. Zehdenick Forest Bathing Area
4,12 km
Mildenberg Village Church
4,41 km
Mayadi Diving – Diving School
4,53 km
Landfleischerei Peter Müller Butcher’s Shop

Gastros nearby mehr

8 m
Burger Factory im Bowling-Center Zehdenick
119 m
Restaurant in Havelschloss Zehdenick Castle
119 m
”Da Vinci“ – Italian Restaurant and Ice Cream Parlour
217 m
Stadtgarten Zehdenick Restaurant, Event Venue and Bowling Alley
347 m
Italian Ice Cream Parlour
756 m
Monastery Café Zehdenick
1,28 km
Marleen´s Bar
1,58 km
Akropolis Zehdenick
2,24 km
Zehdenick Water Tower
5,68 km
Gasthaus Alter Hafen am Ziegeleipark

Events nearby mehr

99 m
Indoor-Flohmarkt „gebraucht & neu“
200 m
35 Jahre "Stadtgarten Zehdenick"
272 m
Scheune (Clubhaus) - Revival Party
272 m
Karfreitag im Stadtgarten Zehdenick
272 m
538 m
Stadtführung mit dem Ratsherren
695 m
KiezKino: Monster AG
695 m
KiezKino: Goodybe Lenin
695 m
705 m
Festival der Vereine
All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the correctness of the data. We recommend that you enquire about the current status by telephone / e-mail or via the provider's website before your visit.

Source: Reiseland Brandenburg

Last changed on 28.11.2023

ID: DAMASHotel_50053