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Strohhaus Neuzelle (museum)

Strohhaus Neuzelle - Museumshof ländlicher Alltagskultur
Museums Historic monuments and sites

The Strohhaus Neuzelle provides an insight into the lives of the servants of the Neuzelle monastery at the time. It is a gem among the museums in the state of Brandenburg. The residential house and stable building with reed roofing and rye straw ridge were built in 1780 by master clothier Franz Flickschuh and are among the oldest buildings in the village.

The straw house consists of a parlor room with a bed corner, a workshop and a pantry. In the middle of the house is the black kitchen, which ends at the top in a chimney opening. People and animals were cooked here over an open fire.

The listed house can be visited. Household items and tools are also on display in the museum courtyard. The value lies in the original substance and the arrangement of the rooms from the time when the house was built.

Guided tours are available by appointment.

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City, regional and local museum

Other opening hours:

The Strohhaus is also open on all public holidays.

** Öffnungszeiten können aufgrund von Covid-19 abweichen.

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5.0 From 5,0
2 Assessment
-0.0 °C Currently on location

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Hanna Bieber Böhm - Monument in Neuzelle
636 m
Monastery shop at the Neuzelle monastery brewery
648 m
Klosterbrauerei Neuzelle (neuzelle brewery)
703 m
Neuzelle Monastery Garden
714 m
‘Himmlisches Theater’ Museum
724 m
The Richter family winery
742 m
Abbey and Museum Neuzelle
755 m
Neuzelle Cistercian Abbey
766 m
Katholische Stiftskirche St. Marien (church)
798 m
Evangelische Pfarrkirche zum Heiligen Kreuz (church)

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455 m
holiday home Hahn
558 m
Landhaushotel und Residenz "Prinz Albrecht"
648 m
Klosterhotel Neuzelle
1,36 km
Kummerower Hof - Garni Hotel der Rahn Education
1,85 km
holiday home Diener
5,66 km
Holiday flat Noack
6,23 km
Hotel garni Fürstenberg
6,28 km
The motorhome site - Eisenhüttenstädter Freizeit- und Erholungs GmbH
6,45 km
Vacation apartment "GeWi Eisenhüttenstadt"
6,51 km
GDR holiday flat at Gewi Eisenhüttenstadt

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551 m
Olea & Cafea
558 m
Restaurant at Landhaushotel "Prinz Albrecht"
649 m
"Wilde Klosterküche" restaurant at Klosterhotel Neuzelle
686 m
Klosterklause Neuzelle restaurant
860 m
Orangery in the baroque garden
2,42 km
Mühlenklause at Schwerzkoer Mühle
5,60 km
Gasthof "Zum Grünen Baum"
6,27 km
Restaurant "Aktivist"
6,75 km
Gasthof Köhler restaurant
6,80 km
Restaurant Zum Kietz

Events nearby mehr

719 m
NEU: Yoga im Klostergarten
719 m
NEU: Yoga im Klostergarten
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Tag der offenen Tür anlässlich 10 Jahre Museum Himmlisches Theater
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Orbis Quartett - Das singende Streichquartett
755 m
Pueri Cantores Region Ost "Chortag Neuzelle"
755 m
Internationaler Museumstag
755 m
Sommerklänge - Liederabend mit Cordula Hanns
755 m
Geschmack der Citrus
755 m
Wilde Orgeln - Jazz, Pop und Reggae in der Kirche
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NEU Gartenworkshop - kleine Kräuterwerkstatt
All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the correctness of the data. We recommend that you enquire about the current status by telephone / e-mail or via the provider's website before your visit.

Source: Reiseland Brandenburg

Last changed on 09.12.2024

ID: DAMASPoi_11656