Hofladen auf dem Gut Hirschaue (deer and pigs)

An der Hirschaue 2, 15848 Birkholz
Farm shops

Hirschaue estate farm shop - where the top dog eats out of your hand: The Hirschaue estate (Bioland growing association). The Hirschaue estate stands for exemplary and eco-friendly wild animal husbandry and is unique in Germany. On 200 hectares of land, organic farmer Henrik Staar keeps fallow deer, red deer and mouflon, as well as Brandenburg saddleback pigs, a high-legged cross between German saddleback pigs and wild boar.

Gentle wild animal husbandry
The crop rotation system on the farm is based on alternating grazing by wild animals and pigs. The animals live outdoors all the year round - until they are shot in their natural environment without stress and then processed into meat and sausage products in the farm's own butcher's. The farm was awarded the "Förderpreis Ökologischer Landbau" (ecological agriculture) prize in 2008 and the "Brandenburger Naturschutzpreis" (nature conservation) prize, also in 2008.

Product range
Meat, sausage products, potatoes, deerhide and antlers, honey, juice, red wine, venison spices

Guided tours
As a demonstration farm for organic farming, the Hirschaue estate offers hiking and agricultural tours by appointment.

Member of an organic food association (e.g. Demeter)

** Öffnungszeiten können aufgrund von Covid-19 abweichen.

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Source: Reiseland Brandenburg

Last changed on 27.07.2022

ID: DAMASPoi_12581