Theater Frankfurt is the companion organisation. The theatre has been operating in the city of Frankfurt (Oder) as a non-profit association and youth welfare organisation since 1990. Back then, young people came together to develop a future-oriented form of theatre after the closure of the municipal theatre so as to get actively involved in shaping social processes. Under the direction of Frank Radüg, a constant programme of performances was established.
The creative process was initiated through a wide range of different projects and workshops as well as ongoing work with children, young people and adult amateurs (Frankfurter spielen für Frankfurt) as well as mentally and physically handicapped people (including the theatre group B-Rührung). Every year since 1990, a small municipal theatre festival has been organised with some 100-150 participants from Frankfurt as well as guest groups from all over the world. A school acting was founded in 2006.
The team of educators and actors has a repertoire of some 15 plays and celebrates about 7 premieres a year. On average the theatre attracts a total audience of some 10,000 each year, the children and youth plays enjoying great popularity in particular.
Dates of the performances can be found on the homepage of the theatre.
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