Farm shop Bergschäferei

Eberswalder Chaussee 3, 15377 Waldsieversdorf
Farm shops

The Bergschäferei farm shop is located in Waldsieversdorf and sees itself as a small but fine speciality shop for farm and regional products from Märkische Schweiz and the surrounding area. Products are offered here that are not or only rarely found in supermarkets or health food shops. The Bergschäferei farm shop aims to develop into a new marketplace for diverse local agricultural production.

On Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, a colourful range of products from local farms with a high proportion from organic farming is presented. A small self-service area is also available.

The following products can be found in the farm shop: 
  • Fresh organic eggs from hens in the mobile henhouse and firewood from the Bergschäferei farm (mountain sheep farm)
  • Fine, natural juices made from regional fruit, fresh cider and quince brandy from the Berschäferei organic winery (Bergschäferei)
  • Lamb and sheep meat specialities such as sausages, ham, crackers, fresh meat and wonderfully fluffy sheepskins from the Jörn Brieger sheep farm (Bergschäferei)
  • Fallow deer specialities from the Müller farm (Hasenholz)
  • Fresh and processed game meat from the forests, fields and meadows of Garzau-Garzin
  • A wide variety of honey from Trebnitz and Märkische Schweiz from the Mohr and Müller apiary (Trebnitz)
  • A wide variety of apples from Obstgut Franz Müller (Wesendahl) and Natur-Obsthof Hauke (Frankfurt/Oder) as well as seasonal fruit from the variety garden in Müncheberg
  • A large selection of fresh vegetables from Bioland-Hof Zielke (Vierlinden) and other organic market gardens
  • Potatoes, fresh beef, tinned sausages and various types of grain from Jahnsfelder Landhof (Jahnsfelde)
  • Sausage and fresh meat from red deer and free-range Angler saddleback pigs from Gut Hirschaue (Rietz-Neuendorf)
  • Goat's cheese and goat's milk specialities from Ziegenhof Zollbrücke (Oderaue)
  • Sheep's cheese and sheep's milk products from Milchschafhof Pimpinelle (Quappendorf)
  • Sunflower oil (pressed in Diedersdorf), pasta and egg liqueur from Hohenstein
  • Pestos and jams from Gutshof Einklang (Jahnsfelde)
  • Organic soups and ready meals from wünschdirmahl in Müncheberg
  • Ravioli from Nudelmanufaktur Märkische Schweiz (Eggersdorf)
  • Organic alpine cheese from a friendly alpine dairy in Vorarlberg (Austria)
  • Wood-fired bread and pastries from Wiener Brot (Berlin) - fuelled with wood from the mountain sheep farm
  • Herbal teas, syrup, flowers, flower arrangements and more from here on site as well as additional purchased products from organic wholesalers
The offer is changing and seasonal, not everything is always available.


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Other opening hours:

Self-service area: daily from 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.

** Öffnungszeiten können aufgrund von Covid-19 abweichen.

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4.2 °C Currently on location

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All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the correctness of the data. We recommend that you enquire about the current status by telephone / e-mail or via the provider's website before your visit.

Source: Reiseland Brandenburg

Last changed on 10.02.2025

ID: DAMASPoi_154042