Mühlenladen Müllrose - shop

Frankfurter Str. 1, 15299 Müllrose
Farm shops

The Oderland-Mühlenwerke Müllrose own farm shop sells high-quality flour products from Brandenburg's largest industrial mill. Here you will find fine wheat flour, rye flour, baking mixes and more - traditional quality from the Schlaubetal.

The Oderland mill works in Müllrose supply bakeries throughout Brandenburg and neighboring federal states with flour. They also offer their products in their own shop.

Anyone who buys bread, rolls or cakes from a baker in the state of Brandenburg or one of the neighboring federal states is almost certainly purchasing baked goods that always contain a piece of garbage rose. The flour that is processed in the bakeries in Brandenburg, Berlin, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and elsewhere mostly comes from the Schlaubetal - produced in the mill of the Oderland-Mühlenwerke Müllrose GmbH & Co. KG. The largest industrial mill in the state of Brandenburg.

Now you can buy Müllroser flour, semolina and other products directly where they are made: in the mill.
The Oderland-Mühlenwerke have opened their own mill shop - in the mill buildings, right in the city center. In the mill shop, Oderland-Mühlenwerke not only offers the most commonly used fine white wheat flour type 405, but also rye flour, soft wheat semolina, wheat flakes, whole grain rye flakes, wheat bran, whole grain rye meal and other products. There are also special baking mixes available to buy. You can use them to bake delicious wheat bread, commis bread, buckwheat bread, spelled bread or even “Müllroser Mühlenbrot” at home.

On the entrance door you can read in white letters: “Glück zu!”, which is the traditional greeting of the millers.

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Other opening hours:

closed Monday and Wednesday

** Öffnungszeiten können aufgrund von Covid-19 abweichen.

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-0.5 °C Currently on location

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All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the correctness of the data. We recommend that you enquire about the current status by telephone / e-mail or via the provider's website before your visit.

Source: Reiseland Brandenburg

Last changed on 08.01.2024

ID: DAMASPoi_212467