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Natural Bathing Area Padde at Alte Oder

15328 Manschnow
Natural swimming holes

There is a little bathing area to the right of the road connecting Neu Manschow and Manschow, where it crosses the Alte Oder river. The romantic tributary of the main river is a calm, barely flowing body of water with a rich flora and fauna. The sunbathing lawn stretches all the way to the waterside. The bathing area features covered seating and a number of benches.
Parking is available along the connecting road. The spot is also used by canoers to lower their boats into the water.


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Travel tips on the go?

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-1.4 °C Currently on location

More Natural swimming holes mehr

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16,22 km
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33,05 km
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36,61 km
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Freibad Bad Freienwalde open air swimming pool
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Scharmützelsee, Seebad Strand (beach/bathing lake)

POIs nearby mehr

1,57 km
FONTANA Gartenbau, horticultural shop
2,50 km
Little shop at Fort Gorgast
2,53 km
Verein Fort Gorgast e.V. (historic premisis)
2,79 km
Bauernhof Erz (ecological farming)
3,73 km
Kietz Train Station
3,92 km
Oderbruch Hof (goats, geese and bees)
4,66 km
The historical site of Reitwein manor house
4,69 km
Galerie TRAFO.3
4,87 km
Stülerkirche in Reitwein (church)
5,34 km
Bruchsee Bleyen (Bathing Lake)

Hotels nearby mehr

1,97 km
Haus Wendland in the Oderbruch Region
3,08 km
Holiday home Hanke
3,14 km
Ferienhaus am Gutspark
4,10 km
Campsite “Heidehof”
4,82 km
Gräfliche Villa Reitwein (holiday apartments)
5,32 km
Fischereihof Schneider
5,40 km
Fischereihof Schneider "An der Festung Küstrin" holiday rooms not only for anglers
6,82 km
Gasthaus & Pension Wagner
8,32 km
Jeamai’s Pension guesthouse
10,49 km
Oderbruchcamp Zechin

Gastros nearby mehr

4,66 km
Restaurant "Am Reitweiner Sporn"
5,33 km
Snack bar at Fischereihof Schneider
5,81 km
Restaurant "Wagenrad"
6,37 km
"Eis Alex" restaurant & café
6,76 km
Gasthaus Wagner restaurant
10,75 km
Restaurant "Adonisröschen"
10,90 km
Café im Schul-und Bethaus Altlangsow
12,43 km
Wirtshaus im Kunstspeicher by the B168, restaurant
12,81 km
"Trattoria Anglerheim" in Lebus on the Oder
12,89 km
Naturkost Nußschale natural food & coffee shop

Events nearby mehr

3,28 km
Tourismustag in Rathstock
6,10 km
Führung: Altstadt & Festung Küstrin
6,10 km
Führung: Altstadt & Festung Küstrin
6,11 km
Exkursion: Seelower Höhen 1945
8,35 km
Podelziger Ostermarkt
10,57 km
Adonisröschen-Exkursion mit Extrembotaniker Jürgen Feder
10,89 km
Vernissage Manfred Zoller
12,32 km
MANOMORE im Schützgebiet
12,47 km
Austellungseröffnung von Jola Brejdak & Malgorzata Andrzejewska
12,47 km
" Facetten des Lebens" von Veronika Raddatz
All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the correctness of the data. We recommend that you enquire about the current status by telephone / e-mail or via the provider's website before your visit.

Source: Reiseland Brandenburg

Last changed on 19.03.2021

ID: DAMASPoi_52737