Gedenk- und Dokumentationsstätte "Opfer politischer Gewaltherrschaft" Frankfurt (Oder) (memorial)

Collegienstraße 10, 15234 Frankfurt (Oder)
Museums Historic monuments and sites

The Memorial and documentation site "Victims of political tyranny" provides information about this place of political persecution under National Socialism and later under the Soviet occupying power in the GDR era.
Using selected biographies of people from the town or the region, this memorial commemorates those who were persecuted for their political convictions, their faith, their race, for resistance to the regime or because they were simply under suspicion, and as a result were sent to camps, became entangled with the political criminal justice system, lost their lives under inhuman conditions or were murdered.

One part of the building containing five cells was left in its original authentic state. These cells depict the fates of well-known Frankfurt citizens between 1933 and 1989. A solitary confinement cell from around 1960 and a detention cell from 1989 tell you about the conditions under which prisoners where detained.

Free admission. A small fee is charged for group tours, with the price depending on the size of the group.

The following is on offer:
  • Independent viewings
  • Guided tours of the exhibition
  • Videos on the themes of the memorial site
  • Special exhibitions

The memorial and documentation site also provides the following educational offers:
  • Exploration in small groups with work assignments
  • Support by experts
  • Working on school projects
  • Introduction to scientific work
  • Project work on specific historical periods: Germany 1933-1945, 1945-1950 and 1949-1989


Gedenk- und Dokumentationsstätte "Opfer politischer Gewaltherrschaft" Frankfurt (Oder) (memorial)

Collegienstraße 10, 15234 Frankfurt (Oder)
Historic site / memorial site
Memorial site
Guest WC is accessible without stairs
Convenient arrival by public transport possible

Supplementary information :

Main entrance: 7 steps, but barrier-free side entrance available
Barrier-free toilet available
One threshold to the prison, could be overcome with a ramp.
Bus stop Topfmarkt/Konzerthalle about 350 meters (4 min.) away.

Other opening hours:

As well as by appointment.

** Öffnungszeiten können aufgrund von Covid-19 abweichen.

Travel tips on the go?

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All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the correctness of the data. We recommend that you enquire about the current status by telephone / e-mail or via the provider's website before your visit.

Source: Reiseland Brandenburg

Last changed on 24.10.2022

ID: DAMASPoi_61500