Schul- und Bethaus Altlangsow cultural venue

Altlangsow 11, 15306 Alt Langsow
Galleries & studios

The school and prayer house was built in 1832 according to plans by Schinkel. In the last 25 years this building with its distinctive architectural and atmospheric flair has been brought back to life by an association. The exhibition features contemporary art from the Oderbruch region. The programme includes painting, drawing, sculpture, readings, concerts – and recently also photography from Brandenburg and the whole world.

Level, trip-free flooring everywhere (inside and outside)
Everything is accessible at ground level / without stairs
Guest WC is accessible without stairs
Convenient arrival by public transport possible

Distance of the visitor parking spaces to the entrance :

5 m

Supplementary information :

The nearest train station to Berlin / Frankfurt (Oder) is in Werbig, about 3 km away

** Öffnungszeiten können aufgrund von Covid-19 abweichen.

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5.0 From 5,0
1 Assessment
-3.8 °C Currently on location

More Galleries & studios mehr

Sculptor Sylvia Hagen
6,39 km
Uta Gneisse – Studio
8,65 km
Galerie TRAFO.2 gallery
8,83 km
Atelier Martina Dost
11,54 km
Gallery in the Hafenmühle Kienitz
11,63 km
Paitings Ingrid Harks-Hanke
13,86 km
Galerie TRAFO.3
15,16 km
Malerei Barbara Störmer - painter
16,90 km
Galerie TRAFO.1
18,09 km

POIs nearby mehr

Sculptor Sylvia Hagen
1,11 km
2,62 km
Schmuckwerkstatt Heidrun Schäfer (jewellery)
4,19 km
Freibad Zechin open air swimming pool
4,33 km
Village Museum Friedrichsaue
4,58 km
Memorial site and “Museum Seelower Höhen”
4,83 km
Schweizerhaus Seelow
5,07 km
The children of Golzow - Discovery Tour
5,07 km
‘The Children of Golzow’ film museum
5,17 km
Kreiskulturhaus Seelow, cultural events

Hotels nearby mehr

6 m
holiday apartment Schul- und Bethaus Altlangsow
3,21 km
Ferienhaus "OeReHof"
4,23 km
Oderbruchcamp Zechin
4,75 km
Gasthaus & Pension Wagner
5,63 km
Strandbad & Camping Oderbruch am Baggersee Gusow
5,64 km
Holiday apartment Senftleben
5,80 km
Hotel Brandenburger Hof
6,39 km
7,63 km
Jeamai’s Pension guesthouse
7,78 km
Waldhotel Seelow

Gastros nearby mehr

6 m
Café im Schul-und Bethaus Altlangsow
4,80 km
Gasthaus Wagner restaurant
4,99 km
"Eis Alex" restaurant & café
5,23 km
Irina´s Cafe Seelow
5,23 km
"Der Adler" inn and guest house
5,29 km
Naturkost Nußschale natural food & coffee shop
7,53 km
Wirtshaus im Kunstspeicher by the B168, restaurant
8,83 km
Landhaus Treptow restaurant
10,90 km
Restaurant "So oder So" (Landheim Wilhelmsaue)
10,97 km
Café "Himmel & Erde"

Events nearby mehr

22 m
Vernissage Manfred Zoller
1,57 km
MANOMORE im Schützgebiet
5,21 km
12. Blues- Rock- Fest
5,22 km
Volkstümliche Musikantenparade unterwegs
5,23 km
"Zur Sache Frau B" Kabarett mit Bremerich- Broneske
5,23 km
Vernissage Carsten Gille und Berndt Wilde
5,23 km
Kamingespräch und Lesung mit Prof. Irmela von der Lühe u. Dr. Anna- Dorothea Ludewig
5,23 km
Verbrechen im Wandel der Zeit - eine Reise zu historischen Schauplätzen
7,56 km
Austellungseröffnung von Jola Brejdak & Malgorzata Andrzejewska
7,58 km
" Facetten des Lebens" von Veronika Raddatz
All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the correctness of the data. We recommend that you enquire about the current status by telephone / e-mail or via the provider's website before your visit.

Source: Reiseland Brandenburg

Last changed on 05.12.2024

ID: DAMASPoi_73458