The SaarowTherme ThermeShop offers visitors a wide range of swimwear, wellness products and accessories. These include soothing, natural bath additives, high-quality royal salts and fragrant bath balls. The focus here is on health and beauty as a gift.
Browse, discover and experience
The ThermeShop offers numerous products for wellness and health - little treats for body and soul. A visit to the south gallery of the SaarowTherme is worthwhile to select seductively scented oils, bath additives and sauna products.
Gift ideas for every occasion
In the relaxed atmosphere of the ThermeShop, you can find a variety of beautiful gifts related to wellness and health. Whether small gifts or special presents - there is a suitable selection for every occasion. Inspiration can be found in the selection of fragrant oils, fine soaps and products for demanding skin from the natural skin care range.
Gift vouchers
Wellness and feel-good moments can also be easily given as gifts with vouchers. Whether a value or service voucher, the motif can be chosen individually. Our friendly staff will be happy to help.
Bike hire
In cooperation with the Ernest Scheffler “home of bikes” bike rental service, the ThermeShop also offers the opportunity to hire a bike on site.
Level, trip-free flooring everywhere (inside and outside)
Everything is accessible at ground level / without stairs
Guest WC is accessible without stairs
Convenient arrival by public transport possible
Wheelchairs / other walking or mobility aids are available for loan
Parking facilities for baby carriages / walkers etc.
Distance of the visitor parking spaces to the entrance :
350 m
Supplementary information :
The SaarowTherme is 500 m from the Bad Saarow train station. The free car park is located on Pieskower Str.
The entire building is completely barrier-free. A covered "parking lot" for walking frames is located opposite the entrance. A walking aid with a non-slip rubber foot can also be borrowed on request.
The entire building is completely barrier-free. A covered "parking lot" for walking frames is located opposite the entrance. A walking aid with a non-slip rubber foot can also be borrowed on request.
christmas eve: closed all day25.12. (1. Weihnachtsfeiertag): 13:00 - 18:00new year: 13:00 - 18:00
Other opening hours:
During the revision, the SaarowTherme will be completely closed from June 10 - 29, 2025.
** Öffnungszeiten können aufgrund von Covid-19 abweichen.
Travel tips on the go?
All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the correctness of the data. We recommend that you enquire about the current status by telephone / e-mail or via the provider's website before your visit.