Schloss Neuhardenberg. Ein Ortstermin - Permanent Exhibition

Schinkelplatz, 15320 Neuhardenberg

Featuring images, texts, documentations, sculptures and a film, the permanent exhibition ‘Schloss Neuhardenberg. Ein Ortstermin’ (‘Neuhardenberg Castle, a site visit’) is dedicated to the eventful history of the castle, the von Hardenberg family and the little village in the March of Brandenburg. Combined with a visit to one of the latest exhibitions of the foundation’s programme, and a tour of the castle and its grounds, the little exhibition is an inspirational conclusion to the Schloss Neuhardenberg experience.


History and industrial museum
Palace and sacred museum
City, regional and local museum
3,00 EUR
2,00 EUR

** Öffnungszeiten können aufgrund von Covid-19 abweichen.

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Source: Reiseland Brandenburg

Last changed on 29.03.2021

ID: DAMASPoi_90343