Auf den Spuren des Alten Fritz cycling tour - Discovery Tour

72 km
Bike tours

Bahnhof Seelow-Gusow
15306 Gusow-Platkow


Bahnhofstraße 30
Bahnhof Wriezen
16269 Wriezen

A tour through the Oderbruch (former marshland), which was once drained and reclaimed by “Old Fritz”. The tour leads through several colonist villages, such as Letschin, Neulietzegöricke and Altlewin. A special recommendation for culture lovers is in the remote village of Zollbrücke that attracts art and theatre enthusiasts. The "Theater am Rand" theatre has become established as an independent project, influenced by the characterful landscape, as the founders Thomas Rühmann and Tobias Morgenstern describe it themselves.

Length: 65 kilometres (4 hours)

Start: Seelow-Gusow railway station

Finish: Wriezen railway station

Logo / route sign: not specified

How to get there: By train: Take the RE3 from Berlin central station to Berlin-Lichtenberg. From here, take the RB26 (Kostrzyn) to Seelow-Gusow (about 1.5 hours).

Return journey: Take the RB60 regional train from Wriezen to Eberswalde. From here, take the RE3 to Berlin central station (about 2 hours).

Route: Seelow-Gusow railway station, Gusow-Platkow, Letschin, Neu Rosenthal, Kienwerder, Horst, Neutrebbin, Alt Lewin, Neubarnim, Neulewin, Neulietzegöricke, Altwriezen, Wriezen

  • Gusow: Schloss, Lake Baggersee
  • Platkow: Museum
  • Kunstspeicher Friedersdorf Art Gallery
  • Memorial at Seelow Heights
  • Letschin: Railway museum, Heimatstube Letschin - "Haus Birkenwerder” local history parlour, monument of “Old Fritz”
  • Neulewin: Uhlenhof gardens with trees, sculptures and shrubs
  • Neulietzegöricke: Colonist village
  • Wriezen: Stadtmuseum local history museum

Possible combinations:
  • Märkische Schlössertour, a castle tour of the Mark Brandenburg region
  • Königstour im Oderbruch, the king's tour in the Oderbruch (former marshland)
  • Theodor-Fontane Cycle Path
  • Die Mitte Preußens, a tour of the central Prussian region
  • European Bicycle Route R1
  • Oderbruch - Vom Berg ins Tal, a tour taking you from mountain to valley
  • Oderbruchbahn Cycle Path
  • Tour Brandenburg, a tour of Brandenbur

Trail conditions / surface: not specified

Maps / literature:
  • "Seenland Oder-Spree Nordteil (Landkreis Märkisch Oderland): Fahrrad- und Erlebniskarte", Maßstab 1 : 75.000 / 1 : 175.000 Landkarte Folded Map, Verlag: Pietruska; Auflage: 3 (22. November 2011), ?ISBN-10: 3934895824, Euro 6.90


Tour from A to B

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All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the correctness of the data. We recommend that you enquire about the current status by telephone / e-mail or via the provider's website before your visit.

Source: Reiseland Brandenburg

Last changed on 27.05.2024

ID: DAMASTour_100503