Rennradtour im deutsch-polnischen Grenzraum

106 km
Round Tour
Bike tours

Slubicer Straße
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)


Slubicer Straße
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)

Start is on the Oder bridge in Frankfurt (Oder), where you also arrive again. On good cycle paths, you leave the European twin city via the districts of Kiestow and Booßen and turn right in the direction of Schönfließ. There, in the little village of Wulkow, a UFO awaits you. The low-energy house always causes a stir.
The route continues to Mallnow. Here thousands of Adonis roses bloom in spring, a real tourist attraction. On narrow racing bike tires, you pick up speed as you descend into the Oderbruch. This lies lower than the surrounding countryside. At 50 km/h, you ride downhill for 800 meters into Brandenburg's granary.
Next to the historic cobblestones, a flat strip has been laid out for cyclists. You can let your gaze wander endlessly here. Except for a few cranes, you are alone.
The tour then takes you via Reitwein a short distance along the Oder-Neisse cycle path to Küstrin. Here, the second Oder bridge in the direction of Kostrzyn awaits you.
At the viewing platform, which invites you to climb it, the path leads off to the right, onto easily passable smaller country roads. Original villages with small stores and decorated crosses please the eye. In Ośno Lubuskie you will see the Bismarck Tower and then 800 meters of historic cobblestones await. The eight bars in the tire are doubly hard here. Still, people are proud of their historic cobblestones.
On the last stage via Rzepin to Słubice, there is again very good asphalt under your wheels. Only the last five kilometers do you turn back onto a more heavily traveled road. If you can fit a pair of swimming trunks in your jersey pocket, you can turn into Ul. Sportawa in Słubice and cool off in the open-air swimming pool at the SOSiR stadium, formerly Ostmarkstadion. Cake as a reward is obligatory for road cyclists, which you can best get at the Szczerbińscy Pastry Shop & Café in Słubice. The café is open every day and is very popular in Frankfurt even beyond the city bridge.

Possibility of shortening: From Frankfurt (Oder) directly the Oder-Neisse cycle path to Küstrin take then it is 95 kilometers.

Break: in Kostrzyn at the market or in the city, baker (Bagietka) in O'no Lubuskie and Rezpin, Café Szczerbiscy in Saubice , ul. Zeromskiego 3a.

Safety: In Poland, the route mainly runs directly along country roads. Some eye-catching clothing can help to be seen. Polish lorries and motorists, however, are mostly very exemplary.


Round tour

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Source: Reiseland Brandenburg

Last changed on 08.06.2023

ID: DAMASTour_152584