By the way, the cycle path between Beeskow and Sulecin was not created by chance. Beeskow and Frisia have been twinned with Sulecin for years.
Length: 123 kilometres (60-kilometre Brandenburg section)
Start: Beeskow
Finish: Sulecin
Logo / route sign: German flag, Polish flag, the wording “Beeskow-Sulecin”.
How to get there: Take the RE2 (Cottbus) regional express train from Berlin central station to Königs Wusterhausen. From here, take the RB36 (Frankfurt / Oder) regional train to Beeskow (about 2 hours).
Return journey: If you drove to Sulecin, you will have to cycle about 40 kilometres back to Frankfurt / Oder in order to get back to Berlin by train. Take the RE1 (Brandenburg an der Havel) regional express train from Frankfurt to Berlin central station (about 1 hour).
Route: Beeskow, Ranzig, Leißnitz, Friedland, Oelsen, Dammendorf, Mixdorf, Kaisermühl, Schlaubehammer, Güldendorf, Frankfurt / Oder, Slubice, Gorzyca, Zabice, Czarnow, Stansk, Gronow, Osno Lubuskie, Grabno, Lubien, Brzezno, Sulecin
Route description: After a relaxed start in Beeskow, you won't have to wait too long for the first surprise. The locals smile and day trippers rub their eyes in astonishment: just beyond the village of Ranzig, the smallest ferry in Brandenburg travels back and forth across the Spree River. It can only accommodate 10 people. But it is still hard work for “Captain” Maik Slotta. The man from the Mark Brandenburg region gets his mini-raft moving with pure muscle strength. “I don't need to do any sport in the evening”, the ferryman says laughing.
Then the peaceful Frisian countryside lives up to its name. Fruit trees and gardens 50 years ago probably looked like they do today. You can see the shimmer of heat over the cornfield from the shade at the edge of the forest – and sometimes you won't see anyone for a solid half an hour. Just beyond Oesen you enter an enchanted forest, dotted with winding tracks and tranquil lakes. People are talking about the Schlaubetal Nature Park. Cyclists can not only cool off here, but also in Lake Helenesee to the south of Frankfurt (Oder). Tourist sights extend beyond the horizon to the east of Kleist's town. Whether it's the Auenwald Forest near Slubice, the lake area near Ośno Lubuskie or the hilly Suleciner Schweiz area: get on your bike and cycle there! It is also beautiful in Poland – definitely not only in summer.
Points of interest and background information:
- Beeskow: St. Marienkirche church, castle, Burg Beeskow regional museum, sheep farming activity world at AWO ErlebnisHof Beeskow adventure farm
- Frisia: Friedland Castle
- Frankfurt: Lake Helenesee, Heilandskapelle chapel, memorial and documentation site “Victims of political tyranny”, sports museum, Viadrina Museum (Junkerhaus, the former home of the painter, sculptor and architect Karl Junker), Rathaus town hall, Junge Kunst Museum, Kleist Museum, St. Marienkirche church
- Slubice: Collegium Polonicum University, Olympic stadium, Galerie “Okno” gallery, event and recreation park, Auenwald Forest
- Ośno Lubuskie: medieval ramparts, St. Jacobus-Kirche church, Torzym Museum
- Sulecin – fortress and ruins of the Johanniterkloster monastery, market square with the “Brunnen der Gutnachbarschaft” fountain, defensive town wall, Johanniterhaus hospital, historic town centre, St Nikolaikirche church, neo-Gothic parish church, historic Bürgerhaus community centres in the market square
Possible combinations:
- Tour Brandenburg, a tour of Brandenburg
- Spree Cycle Path
- Märkische Schlössertour, a castle tour of the Mark Brandenburg region
- Oder-Spree-Tour, a tour of the Oder-Spree region
- Schwielochseetour, a tour of Lake Schwielochsee
- Radrouten Historische Stadtkerne - Route 6, bicycle tours of historic town centres
- Mönchstour, the monks’ tour
- Schlaubetal-Radtour, a bicycle tour of the Schlaubetal Nature Park
- Oder-Neiße Cycle Path
Trail conditions / surface: The route leads along established, asphalted cycle paths. Short sections lead you along forest paths and roads with little traffic.
Maps / literature: "Seenland Oder-Spree (Landkreise Oder-Spree und Märkisch Oderland): Fahrrad- und Erlebniskarte", Maßstab 1 : 100.000 / 1 : 175.000 Landkarte-Folded Map, Verlag: Pietruska; Auflage: 4 (August 2017), ISBN 978-3-945138-01-4, Euro 6.90