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Landhaus Treptow restaurant

Karl-Marx-Straße 6, 15324 Letschin

The restaurant Landhaus Treptow serves fresh, regional products which reflect the culinary diversity of Brandenburg and the Oderbruch region. In the winter, the room with fireplace is a great place to relax. In the summer you can enjoy the beautiful weather in the beer garden or on the outdoor terrace.
Families are very welcome and there is a playground and a petting zoo for children. The restaurant is wheelchair-accessible throughout.

Brunch is served every Sunday from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Restaurant/beer garden

** Öffnungszeiten können aufgrund von Covid-19 abweichen.

4.5 From 5,0
4 Assessment
-1.0 °C Currently on location

More Gastronomy mehr

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4,44 km
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Gallery in the Hafenmühle Kienitz

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26 m
Hostel at the Schinkelturm in Letschin
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4,50 km
Ferienwohnung Hennig
4,93 km
Erlenhof im Oderbruch
5,87 km
Holiday apartments an rooms at Apfelwiesenhof
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Naturerlebnishof Uferloos, holiday accommodation
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Apartments in the Hafenmühle Kienitz
6,43 km
Gasthof "Zum Hafen” Guest House
6,43 km
Campsite am Gasthof “Zum Hafen”

Gastros nearby mehr

2,07 km
Restaurant "So oder So" (Landheim Wilhelmsaue)
6,26 km
Café in the Hafenmühle Kienitz
6,37 km
Café "Himmel & Erde"
6,43 km
Restaurant "Zum Hafen"
7,08 km
Turmcafé im Verladeturm
8,84 km
Café im Schul-und Bethaus Altlangsow
9,02 km
"Zum Alten Fritz" restaurant
9,85 km
Brennerei - the country restaurant at Hotel Schloss Neuhardenberg
9,97 km
Restaurant im Radler`s Hof
10,52 km
Klosterschänke Altfriedland (Altfriedland monastery tavern)

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12. Blues- Rock- Fest
All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the correctness of the data. We recommend that you enquire about the current status by telephone / e-mail or via the provider's website before your visit.

Source: Reiseland Brandenburg

Last changed on 13.03.2021

ID: DAMASGastro_124438