The distillery of Hotel Schloss Neuhardenberg (which distilled schnapps here as far back as the days of State Chancellor Karl August Fürst von Hardenberg) was restored to its former glory. It is now a wonderful place to lean back and relax after a walk through the castle grounds designed by Peter Joseph Lenné and Hermann Fürst von Pückler-Muskau.
Home-style cooking from the Oderland region with a modern touch using products from the region. They also have a vegetarian menu. Enjoy the cosy atmosphere over a draught beer, a glass of wine or a speciality spirit from the "Brennerei" distillery. In good weather, you can sit in our wind-sheltered beer garden in the courtyard of the "Brennerei".
Capacity: Seats 60 inside (one room with gallery), seats 50 on the terrace
Credit cards: Yes
Brennerei - the country restaurant at Hotel Schloss Neuhardenberg
Stiftung Schloss Neuhardenberg GmbHSchinkelplatz, 15320 Neuhardenberg
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