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Restaurant "So oder So" (Landheim Wilhelmsaue)

Dorfstraße 19, 15324 Letschin

The cosy and stylish restaurant right next to the "Landheim Wilhelmsaue" venue regularly hosts jazz, swing, blues and rock performances. The historic brick building with its striking arched windows on the village green in the middle of the Oderbruch region attracts many visitors to these special monthly occasions.
The creative dishes are prepared using mostly regional and organic products. They primarily cater for guests of the "Landheim" venue; if you would like to visit the restaurant, please first make sure that it is open to external visitors at that time. Wilhelmsaue may only be a small collection of houses - but it's still worth your while to take a walk after dinner to visit the Bock Windmill or the church, which has been converted into a culture shop.


** Öffnungszeiten können aufgrund von Covid-19 abweichen.

2.0 From 5,0
1 Assessment
-1.0 °C Currently on location

More Gastronomy mehr

2,07 km
Landhaus Treptow restaurant
6,03 km
Turmcafé im Verladeturm
6,17 km
Café in the Hafenmühle Kienitz
6,50 km
Restaurant "Zum Hafen"
6,54 km
Café "Himmel & Erde"
7,16 km
"Zum Alten Fritz" restaurant
8,05 km
Restaurant im Radler`s Hof
10,35 km
Klosterschänke Altfriedland (Altfriedland monastery tavern)
10,46 km
Brennerei - the country restaurant at Hotel Schloss Neuhardenberg
10,90 km
Café im Schul-und Bethaus Altlangsow

POIs nearby mehr

199 m
Bockwindmühle Wilhelmsaue (historic windmill)
1,59 km
Oderlandperle (glas and beads)
2,15 km
Schinkelturm Letschin (architecture by Schinkel)
2,31 km
Local History Parlour ‘Haus Birkenweg’ in Letschin
2,31 km
Park Wollup
2,79 km
Railway Museum
4,38 km
BioHof Boelk
4,50 km
KeramikOderbruch (ceramics)
4,57 km
Farm Shop at Erlenhof im Oderbruch
5,20 km
Antennae & Signal Exhibition at the Adventure Cinema

Hotels nearby mehr

2,09 km
Hostel at the Schinkelturm in Letschin
3,80 km
Ferienwohnung Hennig
3,81 km
Camper site Hannelore Marth
4,57 km
Erlenhof im Oderbruch
5,65 km
Pension zur Schmiede guest house
5,76 km
Holiday apartments an rooms at Apfelwiesenhof
5,84 km
Zimmervermietung Gusch (holiday rooms)
5,84 km
Holiday apartment Mundt
6,03 km
Apartment in the historic loading tower
6,03 km
Overnight stay in historic railway wagons

Gastros nearby mehr

2,07 km
Landhaus Treptow restaurant
6,03 km
Turmcafé im Verladeturm
6,17 km
Café in the Hafenmühle Kienitz
6,50 km
Restaurant "Zum Hafen"
6,54 km
Café "Himmel & Erde"
7,16 km
"Zum Alten Fritz" restaurant
8,05 km
Restaurant im Radler`s Hof
10,35 km
Klosterschänke Altfriedland (Altfriedland monastery tavern)
10,46 km
Brennerei - the country restaurant at Hotel Schloss Neuhardenberg
10,90 km
Café im Schul-und Bethaus Altlangsow

Events nearby mehr

6,22 km
Exkursion: Seelower Höhen 1945
9,62 km
5. Offenes Atelier bei Niclas
10,36 km
Jochen Kowalski in der Klosterkirche Atlfriedland
10,54 km
MANOMORE im Schützgebiet
10,92 km
Vernissage Manfred Zoller
13,19 km
Lesereihe OderBuch: Lin Hierse "Wovon wir träumen"
13,24 km
Lesereihe OderBuch: Dimitrij Kapitelman "Russische Spezialitäten"
14,52 km
"Zur Sache Frau B" Kabarett mit Bremerich- Broneske
14,52 km
Vernissage Carsten Gille und Berndt Wilde
14,52 km
Kamingespräch und Lesung mit Prof. Irmela von der Lühe u. Dr. Anna- Dorothea Ludewig
All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the correctness of the data. We recommend that you enquire about the current status by telephone / e-mail or via the provider's website before your visit.

Source: Reiseland Brandenburg

Last changed on 16.11.2021

ID: DAMASGastro_14448