Waldhotel Seelow

Waldsiedlung - Eichendamm 9, 15306 Seelow
Hotel, Bed & Breakfasts etc.

Welcome to the Waldhotel Seelow. When you're not lost in thought as you stroll through the vast forests and landscapes of the Oder, wandering through nature where water, forest and heath pamper your eyes, heart and lungs, enjoying the pristine banks of the Oder with its protected birdlife ... then you'll find peace and relaxation at the Waldhotel Seelow. Whether as a vacationer or conference participant - the Waldhotel Seelow and its service will convince you.

Accommodation provider with ADFC classification "Bed & Bike"
4.0 From 5,0
2 Assessment
All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the correctness of the data. We recommend that you enquire about the current status by telephone / e-mail or via the provider's website before your visit.

Source: Reiseland Brandenburg

Last changed on 07.05.2024

ID: DAMASHotel_13110