Dorfkirche Pieskow, Bad Saarow (church)

Dorfstraße, 15526 Bad Saarow

The church was built on the foundations of a predecessor structure from the 14th century, and it was inaugurated in 1867. The church was converted in 1902. The foundations of the church were home to the graves of the well-established noble Löschebrand family, who used to own a large part of the land around Lake Scharmützelsee. The graves were filled up, when the new church was built.There used to be a prophecy regarding the old church bell and the Löschebrand family: The family would run out of luck, if the bell should ever stop tolling. It was on Pentecost in 1793 that the bell started to make rattling noises. Six horses were used to pull the bell to Berlin and have a religious saying added. However, the Löschebrands luck had run out nevertheless.

The ceiling-high altar in the farmers’ baroque style was created by Daniel Schultz in 1661. In the graveyard by the church, there are the graves of the former UFA actors Harry Liedtke (buried in 1945) and Käthe Dorsch (buried in 1957).

Visitors can arrange for an appointment and collect the key at the parish office on Kirchstrasse 9


Dorfkirche Pieskow, Bad Saarow (church)

Dorfstraße, 15526 Bad Saarow
All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the correctness of the data. We recommend that you enquire about the current status by telephone / e-mail or via the provider's website before your visit.

Source: Reiseland Brandenburg

Last changed on 16.03.2023

ID: DAMASPoi_13771