An exhibition for anyone interested in technology:
Antennae and cinema technology from various eras
‘Railway industry exhibition’ all about railway infrastructure (signals, overhead lines, station equipment, and so on) and related vehicle technology (such as current collectors).
Ride a draisine and the ETA 01 on ‘Ingo’s Feld- & Grubenbahn’.
Also on display:
Video, sound and television production technology
For closed events:
All types of film screenings. 16 and 35 millimetre film shown using historic cinema equipment (also for external events such as family celebrations, company events, and so on).
The exhibition is open when the green sign indicates ‘Ausstellung geöffnet’.
As we do not have regular opening hours, we ask visitors to call 0162 6533042 to make an appointment.
In the picture gallery, you will find a map with a brief description how to get here.
All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the correctness of the data. We recommend that you enquire about the current status by telephone / e-mail or via the provider's website before your visit.