Georg-Kurtze-Straße 2, 15344 Strausberg
Shops & shopping centres

Shopping without packaging in Strausberg Are you annoyed by the packaging waste that you carry home with every purchase? You only want to buy the quantities of groceries that you really need? And you don't just want to talk about sustainability, but also really want to do something? ERNAS shop in Strausberg is the first unpackaged shop to open in Märkisch-Oderland. In addition to groceries from A for spread to M for muesli to Z for cinnamon, you can also get drugstore items from us, such as detergents and cleaning agents for filling. how it works Most goods are offered loose. Bring your own containers and bags. These are weighed before you fill them. The weight of your containers will be deducted at checkout. And that's it. Many years ago, this type of shopping was part of everyday life. Together with you we want to make it normal again. Would you like a breather? Of course you can also get delicious coffee from us - very regional from the roastery Frollein Bohne from Hoppegarten.


** Öffnungszeiten können aufgrund von Covid-19 abweichen.

5.0 From 5,0
1 Assessment
All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the correctness of the data. We recommend that you enquire about the current status by telephone / e-mail or via the provider's website before your visit.

Source: Reiseland Brandenburg

Last changed on 16.08.2022

ID: DAMASPoi_193194