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Village Museum Friedrichsaue

Neuer Weg, 15328 Friedrichsaue

The museum is dedicated to the history of the former outlying estate and later state domain of Friedrichsaue. The exhibition documents the interrelation between nature, technical progress and agricultural production in the Oderbruch over the past 275 years.

Museum of agriculture and forestry
City, regional and local museum

Other opening hours:

Opening hours: By arrangement.

** Öffnungszeiten können aufgrund von Covid-19 abweichen.

-0.2 °C Currently on location

More Museums mehr

3,16 km
‘The Children of Golzow’ film museum
6,67 km
Verein Fort Gorgast e.V. (historic premisis)
8,53 km
Memorial site and “Museum Seelower Höhen”
8,66 km
Schweizerhaus Seelow
8,81 km
Railway Museum
8,87 km
Local History Parlour ‘Haus Birkenweg’ in Letschin
9,89 km
Kietz Train Station
10,04 km
Museum Platkow
11,14 km
Kunstspeicher Friedersdorf, art gallery
11,59 km
Festungsmuseum Küstrin (museum)

POIs nearby mehr

1,25 km
Freibad Zechin open air swimming pool
2,54 km
Schmuckwerkstatt Heidrun Schäfer (jewellery)
3,15 km
The children of Golzow - Discovery Tour
3,16 km
‘The Children of Golzow’ film museum
4,33 km
Sculptor Sylvia Hagen
4,33 km
Schul- und Bethaus Altlangsow cultural venue
5,44 km
5,81 km
Natural Bathing Area Sophienthal/Sydowswiese
6,61 km
BioHof Boelk
6,67 km
Verein Fort Gorgast e.V. (historic premisis)

Hotels nearby mehr

1,33 km
Oderbruchcamp Zechin
2,53 km
Gasthaus & Pension Wagner
2,94 km
Ferienhaus "OeReHof"
3,35 km
Jeamai’s Pension guesthouse
4,33 km
holiday apartment Schul- und Bethaus Altlangsow
5,90 km
Campsite “Heidehof”
6,55 km
Holiday home Hanke
7,28 km
Haus Wendland in the Oderbruch Region
8,75 km
Gasthof "Zum Hafen” Guest House
8,75 km
Campsite am Gasthof “Zum Hafen”

Gastros nearby mehr

2,57 km
Gasthaus Wagner restaurant
3,02 km
"Eis Alex" restaurant & café
4,33 km
Café im Schul-und Bethaus Altlangsow
8,44 km
Café "Himmel & Erde"
8,75 km
Restaurant "Zum Hafen"
9,13 km
Landhaus Treptow restaurant
9,19 km
Café in the Hafenmühle Kienitz
9,23 km
Restaurant "Wagenrad"
9,35 km
Irina´s Cafe Seelow
9,35 km
"Der Adler" inn and guest house

Events nearby mehr

4,34 km
Vernissage Manfred Zoller
5,77 km
MANOMORE im Schützgebiet
8,62 km
Exkursion: Seelower Höhen 1945
9,28 km
12. Blues- Rock- Fest
9,29 km
Volkstümliche Musikantenparade unterwegs
9,36 km
"Zur Sache Frau B" Kabarett mit Bremerich- Broneske
9,36 km
Vernissage Carsten Gille und Berndt Wilde
9,36 km
Kamingespräch und Lesung mit Prof. Irmela von der Lühe u. Dr. Anna- Dorothea Ludewig
9,36 km
Verbrechen im Wandel der Zeit - eine Reise zu historischen Schauplätzen
9,70 km
Tourismustag in Rathstock
All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the correctness of the data. We recommend that you enquire about the current status by telephone / e-mail or via the provider's website before your visit.

Source: Reiseland Brandenburg

Last changed on 11.02.2021

ID: DAMASPoi_52508