Honigkirche (church)


The altar and an interior wall of the church are made of a tonne of pure beeswax. Visitors are greeted by an intense honey odour. The artist got the community involved in the creation of the artwork, to reinforce the local people’s ties to their church. She asked them to name words that are meaningful in life and for Christians. These words were etched into the still soft wax of the altar wall using a paintbrush handle. In medieval altar walls, the bad and evil is always located at the bottom, and anything good or referring to the afterlife is located at the top, close to light and the sky. The artist has translated this concept into a contemporary form: Words such as pain, terror, devastation or hatred can be found at the bottom of the wall, while faith, love, hope, blessing, trust or target are located at the very top. At the level of the altar, she positioned what is promised to human beings: forgiveness and reconciliation. Just below the cross, there is the word ‘blessed’.


Honigkirche (church)

, 15528 Spreenhagen

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Source: Reiseland Brandenburg

Last changed on 05.05.2021

ID: DAMASPoi_52744