Verein Fort Gorgast e.V. (historic premisis)

Fort Gorgast Haus 3, 15328 Gorgast
Museums Historic monuments and sites

Built between 1883 and 1889, Fort Gorgast is the best preserved outer fort of the former Prussian Küstrin fortress. The fort is surrounded by a three-metre deep and 42 metre-wide moat, and it looks like an old bastion with its log cabin at the front and the gatehouse. The fully functional 90-metre deep artesian well and the war powder magazine with its security system are also worth seeing.

A visit to the fort is a great experience for lovers of historical monuments and nature lovers alike. Rare animals and plants can be observed along the hiking trails, and the landscaped estate is a great place to relax. In addition, many events are hosted in and around the fort.

History and industrial museum
Besichtigung ohne Führung
3,00 EUR
Besichtigung ohne Führung
until 14 years
1,50 EUR

From years
2,50 EUR

Other opening hours:

For opening hours, please refer to the provider's website or call + 49 33472 51632.

** Öffnungszeiten können aufgrund von Covid-19 abweichen.

3.0 From 5,0
4 Assessment
All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the correctness of the data. We recommend that you enquire about the current status by telephone / e-mail or via the provider's website before your visit.

Source: Reiseland Brandenburg

Last changed on 17.02.2023

ID: DAMASPoi_60368