Deer park Glauer Tal and NaturPark information centre
Landschafts-Förderverein Nuthe-Nieplitz-Niederung e.V.Glauer Tal 1, 14959 Blankensee
Distance of the visitor parking spaces to the entrance :
250 m
Supplementary information :
In the deer park, there are only sandy ways. For people with disability or limited mobility you can lend the "Wattmobil" during opening times free of charge. It's not self-driving, a person that pushes the Wattmobil is required. For the weekend, please reservat not later than friday. Reservations and futher information: Local staff, at the telefon 033731/700 462 or via mail: mail(at)
Adults Entry fee for deer park | 5,00 EUR |
Children Entry fee for deer park 6 until 18 years | 3,00 EUR |
Familien Entry fee for deer park 2 Adults, 1 Children From 0 to 18 years | 12,00 EUR |
Discounts Entry fee for deer park for students, apprentices, handicapped people, unemployed | 3,00 EUR |
new year: closed all daychristmas eve: closed all day25.12. (1. Weihnachtsfeiertag): closed all day26.12. (1. Weihnachtsfeiertag): closed all daysilvester: closed all daygerman unity day: 10:00 - 16:00reformation day: 10:00 - 16:00labor day: 10:00 - 17:00good friday: 10:00 - 17:00easter sunday: 10:00 - 17:00easter monday: 10:00 - 17:00ascension day: 10:00 - 17:00whit sunday: 10:00 - 17:00whit monday: 10:00 - 17:00
Other opening hours:
Closing time is the last entrance to the deer park. There are NO different opening times for school holidays. Please inform yourself about this year's winterclosing on our website.
** Öffnungszeiten können aufgrund von Covid-19 abweichen.