Kreiskulturhaus Seelow, cultural events

Erich-Weinert-Straße 13, 15306 Seelow

The Kreiskulturhaus Seelow (Seelow district cultural center) hosts events of all kinds: Guest performances, concerts, readings, dance evenings and exhibitions. The house represents a central point in the Oderland region. It is both a venue for events and a meeting place. The house is a listed building, it was built in 1955 and extensively renovated in the 1990s. The building's neoclassical façade with columned portico, triangular gable and large open staircase is characteristic.


Kreiskulturhaus Seelow, cultural events

Erich-Weinert-Straße 13, 15306 Seelow
All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the correctness of the data. We recommend that you enquire about the current status by telephone / e-mail or via the provider's website before your visit.

Source: Reiseland Brandenburg

Last changed on 04.12.2024

ID: DAMASPoi_73461