Kirche Bad Saarow (church)

Kirchstraße , 15526 Bad Saarow

When Bad Saarow became a prospering spa town in the early 20th century, calls for a local church got louder. The architect Ernst Kopp was eventually instructed to carry out the work. The church was inaugurated on October 29, 1922. It is due to the fact that the church was built during the inflation that the structure is unusually small.
The neo-baroque style church is clad in plaster in a light hue. A prominent feature are the slightly curved gables with multiple small windows. The straightforward altar, pulpit and baptismal font are from the time of construction. Anny Ondra and the professional boxer Max Schmeling got married in the church on July 22, 1933.

The bronze cross was added more recently. It was designed by the artist Paul Gnekow in 2008. An illuminated bronze angel adorns the north-western corner of the church. It is a likeness of the wooden angel from Lübeck that was lost in World War II. The single-manual organ was built by the Schuke company from Potsdam.


Kirche Bad Saarow (church)

Kirchstraße , 15526 Bad Saarow

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Source: Reiseland Brandenburg

Last changed on 16.03.2023

ID: DAMASPoi_80776