"Buckower Köstlichkeiten" is on the market square in the heart of the small town of Buckow.
They stock: Meat from the Apfeltraum farm, cold meats, fruit and vegetables from Liebenhof farm, eggs and juices from the "Bergschäferei" sheep farm, sheep's cheese and yoghurt from Quappendorf, honey from Garzau, cereals from Jahnsfelde, noodles from the local "Nudelmanufaktur" noodle factory and much more.
The café serves homemade soups, quiche, cake, coffee and tea, and hosts a brunch every first Sunday of the month.
"Buckower Köstlichkeiten" health food shop
Aufgrund von Sanierungsmaßnahmen finden Sie uns gegenüber in der Linde „Am Markt 5“Am Markt 8, 15377 Buckow (Märkische Schweiz)
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