5th stage "Oder-Neiße-Radweg": Küstrin - Bad Freienwalde cycling tour

59 km
Bike tours

15328 Küstrin


16259 Bad Freienwalde

Stage 5 of the Brandenburg section of the Oder-Neiße Cycle Path covers a distance of 59 kilometres from Küstrin-Kietz to Bad Freienwalde. This section continues on the Oder Dike towards Bad Freienwalde. The expansive meadows along the Oder River open up to the right, providing a habitat for thousands of waterfowl - especially in the spring. The expansive lowlands of the Oderbruch (former marshland) are on the left.

Length: 59 kilometres

Start: Küstrin-Kietz / Finish: Bad Freienwalde

Logo / route sign: green "Oder-Neiße” triangle

How to get there: Take the S7 (Ahrensfelde) line of the S-Bahn (rapid transit train) from Berlin central station to Berlin Lichtenberg. From here, take the RB26 (Kostrzyn) regional train to Küstrin-Kietz (about 2 hours).

Return journey: Take the RB60 regional train from Bad Freienwalde to Eberswalde. From here, take the RE3 (Lutherstadt Wittenberg) regional express train to Berlin central station (about 1 hour).

Route: Küstrin-Kietz, Kienitz, Groß Neuendorf, Neuglietzen, Altglietzen, Schiffmühle, Bad Freienwalde

Points of interest / background information:
  • Groß Neuendorf: “Koch und Kunst” gallery in Oderbruch (former marshland),
  • Oder Dike near Neulewin
  • Atelier Grüne Hütte design studio
  • Altglietzen: Historic ring kiln
  • Schiffmühle: Fontanehaus, the former home of German novelist and poet Theodor Fontane
  • Bad Freienwalde: Observation tower on the Galgenberg hill, castle, Eulenturm tower, Schanzenturm tower, Kirche St. Nikolai church

Possible combinations
  • E-Bike Tour "Lebuser Land und Reitweiner Sporn”, an e-bike tour around the Lebuser Land region and Reitweiner Sporn mountain
  • Natura Trail
  • Theodor-Fontane Cycle Path
  • European Bicycle Route R1
  • E-Bike Tour "Zu den Reetz Dörfern: Natur pur", an e-bike tour to the Reetz villages where you will experience nature at its best
  • Oderbruch - Vom Berg ins Tal, a tour taking you from mountain to valley
  • Oderbruchbahn Cycle Path
  • Königstour im Oderbruch, the king's tour in the Oderbruch (former marshland)
  • Tour Brandenburg, a tour of Brandenburg
  • Schiffshebewerk-Tour, the “ship lift” tour

Trail conditions / surface: Mostly asphalted cycle paths with a flat profile along the Neiße and Oder River.

Maps / literature: "Bikeline-Radtourenbuch Oder-Neisse-Radweg", 1:75.000, Esterbauer- Verlag, Auflage: 11. Auflage (19. Juni 2015), ISBN 3-85000-014-1, Euro 13.90


5th stage "Oder-Neiße-Radweg": Küstrin - Bad Freienwalde cycling tour

Wilhelmstraße, 15328 Küstrin
Tour from A to B
All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the correctness of the data. We recommend that you enquire about the current status by telephone / e-mail or via the provider's website before your visit.

Source: Reiseland Brandenburg

Last changed on 14.02.2023

ID: DAMASTour_96253