Fahrrad-Zielke Bike (workshop/repair)

Frankfurter Straße 10, 15306 Seelow
Bike rental / service

If you are planning an extended bike tour you should have your bike inspected beforehand. This bicycle shop offers an expert workshop service in addition to bicycle sales. Equipment is available for purchase including everything from helmets to pumps.

Seelow is a good starting point for a tour on a stage of the Oderbruchbahn Cycle Path, which leads along disused railway tracks and allows cyclists to comfortably take in the scenic beauty of the Oderbruch.


Fahrrad-Zielke Bike (workshop/repair)

Frankfurter Straße 10, 15306 Seelow

Travel tips on the go?

Simply scan code with your smartphone or paste the link into your web browser: https://bb.reisen/vmxBg
-3.2 °C Currently on location

More Bike rental / service mehr

304 m
E-bike charging station at Oderbruch und Lebuser Land e.V. tourist information center
367 m
E-bike charging station at Gasthof Der Adler
2,64 km
E-bike charging station at Kunstspeicher Friedersdorf
2,86 km
E-bike charging station at Waldhotel Seelow
8,87 km
E-bike charging station at the film museum “Kinder von Golzow”
8,94 km
E-bike charging station at Gasthaus Wagner
10,66 km
bike and E-Bike rental at the "Ferienhaus am Gutspark"
10,79 km
E-bike charging station at Gaststätte Adonisröschen
11,77 km
E-Bike charging station at the "Seecamp am Oderbruch"
11,85 km
E-bike charging station at Gasthof Schweizerhaus Falkenhagen

POIs nearby mehr

222 m
Stadtpark Seelow
296 m
Kreiskulturhaus Seelow, cultural events
336 m
Alte Dampfbäckerei (events and ceramics)
414 m
Kirche Seelow (church)
1,04 km
Memorial site and “Museum Seelower Höhen”
1,16 km
Schweizerhaus Seelow
2,44 km
Friedersdorf - Prussian memorial sites
2,65 km
Kunstspeicher Friedersdorf, art gallery
2,65 km
SpeicherLaden at Kunstspeicher Friedersdorf
2,66 km
Barockkirche Friedersdorf (church)

Hotels nearby mehr

313 m
Holiday apartment Senftleben
708 m
Hotel Brandenburger Hof
2,86 km
Waldhotel Seelow
5,46 km
holiday apartment Schul- und Bethaus Altlangsow
5,47 km
Strandbad & Camping Oderbruch am Baggersee Gusow
8,59 km
Ferienhaus "OeReHof"
8,90 km
Gasthaus & Pension Wagner
9,01 km
9,66 km
Oderbruchcamp Zechin
10,66 km
Ferienhaus am Gutspark

Gastros nearby mehr

256 m
Naturkost Nußschale natural food & coffee shop
360 m
Irina´s Cafe Seelow
367 m
"Der Adler" inn and guest house
2,66 km
Wirtshaus im Kunstspeicher by the B168, restaurant
5,46 km
Café im Schul-und Bethaus Altlangsow
8,81 km
Guest and adventure courtyard Loosgut
8,88 km
"Eis Alex" restaurant & café
8,93 km
Gasthaus Wagner restaurant
10,80 km
Restaurant "Adonisröschen"
11,02 km
Landhaus Jahnsfelde restaurant

Events nearby mehr

238 m
Volkstümliche Musikantenparade unterwegs
250 m
12. Blues- Rock- Fest
381 m
"Zur Sache Frau B" Kabarett mit Bremerich- Broneske
381 m
Vernissage Carsten Gille und Berndt Wilde
381 m
Kamingespräch und Lesung mit Prof. Irmela von der Lühe u. Dr. Anna- Dorothea Ludewig
381 m
Verbrechen im Wandel der Zeit - eine Reise zu historischen Schauplätzen
2,67 km
Austellungseröffnung von Jola Brejdak & Malgorzata Andrzejewska
2,68 km
" Facetten des Lebens" von Veronika Raddatz
2,69 km
Die Alte im Bruch - Erinnerungen über ein Menschenleben hinaus
4,74 km
MANOMORE im Schützgebiet
All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the correctness of the data. We recommend that you enquire about the current status by telephone / e-mail or via the provider's website before your visit.

Source: Reiseland Brandenburg

Last changed on 05.12.2024

ID: DAMASPoi_13306