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Natural Bathing Area Großer Tonteich

Freudenthal 25, 15741 Bestensee
Natural swimming holes

The natural bathing area at the Großer Tonteich in Bestensee is a naturist bathing area with sunbathing lawn at the "Naturcamping Tonsee FKK" campsite. The campsite offers sanitary facilities and catering. The bathing area is regularly inspected by the Brandenburg Ministry for the Environment, Health and Consumer Protection (MUGV) to ensure that bathers can enjoy the lake without any worries.


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Natural Bathing Area Großer Tonteich

Freudenthal 25, 15741 Bestensee
Toilet available

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8.1 °C Currently on location

More Natural swimming holes mehr

558 m
Natural Bathing Area Kleiner Tonteich
1,62 km
Natural Bathing Area by Lake Todnitzsee
2,84 km
Pätzer Vordersee Natural Bathing Area
4,02 km
Krüpelsee Natural Bathing Area (Werftstrasse, Senzig)
4,44 km
Natural Bathing Area Großer Kiessee (II)
4,51 km
Natural Bathing Area Krummer See
4,58 km
Krüpelsee Natural Bathing Area (Neptunstrasse, Senzig)
4,73 km
Natural Bathing Area by the River Dahme
4,74 km
Krüpelsee (Zernsdorf) Natural Bathing Area
5,40 km
Natural Bathing Area Lake Krüpelsee (Kablow)

Lidos and outdoor pools nearby mehr

12 m
Lake Tonsee Nudist Campsite (campsite D 70)
2,74 km
Strandbad Zeesener See Lido
4,29 km
Lido "Strandbad Neue Mühle" and Boat Rental
4,75 km
Bathing Area in the Lake Kiessee Natural Campsite
6,79 km
KiEZ Hölzerner See Lido
8,52 km
Lido in Kallinchen
10,30 km
Freibad Miersdorfer See Open-air Swimming Pool
17,63 km
Strandbad Wünsdorf, lido
18,75 km
Bathing areas at Störitzsee
18,96 km
Storkower See, Karlslust bathing area

POIs nearby mehr

12 m
Lake Tonsee Nudist Campsite (campsite D 70)
558 m
Natural Bathing Area Kleiner Tonteich
1,62 km
Natural Bathing Area by Lake Todnitzsee
2,74 km
Strandbad Zeesener See Lido
2,84 km
Pätzer Vordersee Natural Bathing Area
2,90 km
Playground at Pätzer Vordersee
3,00 km
Generationenwald Forest
3,08 km
Bestensee Field Stone Church
3,10 km
FahrradPilgerKirche Gräbendorf
3,15 km
Mühlen Vineyard

Hotels nearby mehr

48 m
Tonsee Nudist Campsite
113 m
Camper Van Site at Tonsee Campsite – Nudist
1,37 km
Campingdomizil Körbiskrug Campsite
2,17 km
Bestensee Gourmet Rooms by Steakhaus 1775
2,61 km
Haus Seeblick
2,82 km
Zimmervermietung Zum roten Hahn
3,19 km
Ferienwohnungen Kretschmar
3,33 km
Bestwaner Hotel
3,49 km
Ferienwohnung Schulze
3,62 km
Ferienwohnung Scheibe

Gastros nearby mehr

1,32 km
Restaurant “Kalimera”
2,14 km
Die Weinscheune
2,17 km
Steakhouse 1775
2,65 km
Lindencafé Bestensee
2,76 km
Café Bäckerei Wahl
2,97 km
Bel Lago
3,33 km
Bestwaner Restaurant
3,38 km
Eiscafé zu den 3 Eichen
3,69 km
Zum Brotsommelier Bakery
3,72 km
Restaurant in Hotel "Zeesener Hof"

Events nearby mehr

2,99 km
Drei Seen Rundwanderung Frühlingserwachen im Naturpark Dahme Heideseen
3,16 km
3,16 km
4. Blaulichttag
3,28 km
Ostereiertrudeln und Osterfeuer
3,47 km
Senzig wandert
3,47 km
Senzig wandert
3,67 km
Senzig Open 2025
3,76 km
Seebrückensingen Senzig 2025
4,00 km
Kräuterwanderung mit Birte-Xylona
4,37 km
23. Drachenbootcup Königs Wusterhausen
All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the correctness of the data. We recommend that you enquire about the current status by telephone / e-mail or via the provider's website before your visit.

Source: Reiseland Brandenburg

Last changed on 01.07.2024

ID: DAMASPoi_52238