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bike and E-Bike rental at the "Ferienhaus am Gutspark"

Am Dorfteich 4a, 15328 Rathstock
Bike rental / service

The holiday home at Gutspark offers its guests a beautiful and extensive range of bicycles and e-bikes for the perfect leisure activity.

Guests of the holiday home at Gutspark have access to the following bikes free of charge:
  • 1 x men's bike
  • 5 x Unisex Wheels
  • 1 x Puky balance bike
Day guests who do not stay at the holiday home at Gutspark are also welcome to rent bikes upon request for a small fee.

Also available are:
  • 3 x 28er e-bikes (prices can be found below)

“Normal” bicycles and the e-bike charging station are available free of charge for guests of the holiday home.

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E-bike charging station
E-bike rental station
per day
25 EUR

Travel tips on the go?

Simply scan code with your smartphone or paste the link into your web browser: https://bb.reisen/nf67f
6.0 °C Currently on location

More Bike rental / service mehr

6,49 km
E-bike charging station at the film museum “Kinder von Golzow”
7,07 km
E-bike charging station at Gasthaus Wagner
7,70 km
E-bike charging station at Gaststätte Adonisröschen
8,50 km
E-bike charging station at Fischereihof Schneider
9,80 km
E-bike charging station at Kunstspeicher Friedersdorf
10,61 km
E-bike charging station at Amt Lebus information point
10,64 km
E-bike charging station at the museum Haus Lebuser Land
10,66 km
Fahrrad-Zielke Bike (workshop/repair)
10,74 km
E-bike charging station at Oderbruch und Lebuser Land e.V. tourist information center
10,84 km
E-bike charging station at Gasthof Der Adler

POIs nearby mehr

436 m
Bauernhof Erz (ecological farming)
2,38 km
Oderbruch Hof (goats, geese and bees)
3,14 km
Natural Bathing Area Padde at Alte Oder
3,48 km
The historical site of Reitwein manor house
3,51 km
FONTANA Gartenbau, horticultural shop
3,65 km
Stülerkirche in Reitwein (church)
3,80 km
Galerie TRAFO.3
4,26 km
Verein Fort Gorgast e.V. (historic premisis)
4,26 km
Little shop at Fort Gorgast
6,49 km
‘The Children of Golzow’ film museum

Hotels nearby mehr

Ferienhaus am Gutspark
3,58 km
Gräfliche Villa Reitwein (holiday apartments)
4,08 km
Haus Wendland in the Oderbruch Region
5,26 km
Holiday home Hanke
6,22 km
Campsite “Heidehof”
7,12 km
Gasthaus & Pension Wagner
8,43 km
Fischereihof Schneider
8,50 km
Fischereihof Schneider "An der Festung Küstrin" holiday rooms not only for anglers
9,87 km
Jeamai’s Pension guesthouse
10,06 km
holiday apartment Schul- und Bethaus Altlangsow

Gastros nearby mehr

3,66 km
Restaurant "Am Reitweiner Sporn"
6,63 km
"Eis Alex" restaurant & café
7,08 km
Gasthaus Wagner restaurant
7,71 km
Restaurant "Adonisröschen"
8,44 km
Snack bar at Fischereihof Schneider
8,84 km
Restaurant "Wagenrad"
9,81 km
Wirtshaus im Kunstspeicher by the B168, restaurant
10,06 km
Café im Schul-und Bethaus Altlangsow
10,36 km
"Trattoria Anglerheim" in Lebus on the Oder
10,73 km
Club café "Mehrgenerationstreff Wir für Lebus e.V."

Events nearby mehr

136 m
Tourismustag in Rathstock
5,70 km
Podelziger Ostermarkt
7,53 km
Adonisröschen-Exkursion mit Extrembotaniker Jürgen Feder
9,23 km
Führung: Altstadt & Festung Küstrin
9,23 km
Führung: Altstadt & Festung Küstrin
9,24 km
Exkursion: Seelower Höhen 1945
9,85 km
Austellungseröffnung von Jola Brejdak & Malgorzata Andrzejewska
9,85 km
" Facetten des Lebens" von Veronika Raddatz
9,85 km
Die Alte im Bruch - Erinnerungen über ein Menschenleben hinaus
10,04 km
Vernissage Manfred Zoller
All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the correctness of the data. We recommend that you enquire about the current status by telephone / e-mail or via the provider's website before your visit.

Source: Reiseland Brandenburg

Last changed on 08.02.2024

ID: DAMASPoi_242309